Thursday, October 22, 2009

Zoë's Bracelet

This bracelet was made especially for my cousin last night to celebrate her Sweet 16th Birthday.  She loved it and in typical teenage fashion said "Oh Cool, Cuz!" I know this is not the best photo ever taken! But I loved the colors and she is so into Purple and anything that is covered in glitter! So, I used loads of glitter and shiny balls on this one and added two little charms, a flower and a disk that says: "DIVA"...well, need I say more! I know it is so not clear from the pic, but in the middle on the left of the photo I had included 3 little ID tags on the bracelet that spells ZOE with beads in between each letter. The 'E' has a little crown on, the 'O' is just in clear stones and the 'Z' is in purple with a little bow tie on it and stone, came out stunning man! Only realized at the party last night, that she is really into 'Play boy bunnies' if I had known that, I would have used the 'Z' with a little purple play boy bunny in...well, what she does not know...Hope you like it! Hope to add my charm bracelet I made to my blog tonight, I wear it so often as I am still in love with it :) Chat soon all. x

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